Thursday, August 28, 2008

BI Conferences - SQLBits and SSWUG

You may already felt that I’m very fanatic for learn, mainly if we are talking about Business Intelligence and Microsoft tools. For this reason, I’m writing today about two big conferences that will take place next September. One is the SQLBits, organized by that I already refered in a previous post and the second is a very innovative virtual conference with the top speakers of the world organized by Almost the authors of my preferred books from wrox and wiley, will be in SQL Bits or in the SSWUG conferences.


For this reason I already have my flight and hotel booked for the next SQLBits ( trainingday (150£) and conference (Free) in London next 12/13 September 2008.
Some topics could be basic for me, but it’s important to follow the new BI improvements and mainly the details that in most cases make the difference! And is good to train my English and meet some people to dinner and spend some time sharing experiences. For now I have the confirmation of my friend Bruno Ferreira that is working on Ireland, Alex from UK (, some friends from ExpertsExchange, and other people from BI comuninity


If you cannot be on the SQLBits, dont be ungry... you can follow other events like SSWUG conferences from home. There will be four conferences for a simbolic price of $100 (in Euros is less than 100€) and all the conferences are for 3 days and I’m sure it will be fantastic. It’s not difficult to imagine that my preferred conference will be the Business Intelligence conference on September 24-26... but I’m confess that I dont know If I will attend or not... it’s not the same thing a conference from a laptop or a conference on site as I will do in UK on SQL Bits... but I’ will try to attend!!!
Business Intelligence : September 24-26
SQL Server: 01-03
SharePoint Technologies : October 15-17

If you are thinking to attend one of the conferences, please tell me and join me on that!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Data Mining - Rafal Event

In April 2008 Rafal Lukawiecki came to Portugal and unfortunately I didn’t attend it. I confess, that I’ve never heard about Rafal, but today, and after seeing the four webcats, I feel that I lost a fantastic event. So... do you know what I did? I link my laptop to my LCD television and see all the Rafal webcasts!! It was really fantastic... now I understand my friend Subhash!

But who is Rafal? See this YouTube video...

After my Data Mining class in my master BI degree, I’ve started to look to data mining with new eyes, and data mining is the main intelligence that a BI project could have... you could have an ETL, DW or Reporting module perfect, but the intelligence in BI is in the capability to predict the future, to analyse past and present behaviours and make the difference predicting on what it’ll happen next!

For those who really like to learn Data Mining, independently about the tools that usually use my suggestion is to start from here... from starting to see these four Rafal webcasts. Fortunately, in my master BI degree I had one of the most gurus of Data Mining here in Portugal... the teacher Dr. Duarte Trigueiros... He’s also fantastic and very comunicative as Rafal. From one hand Rafal speak more near the business logic and sometimes more intuitive and for other hand the teacher Dr. Duarte Trigueiros is more statistical. The conjuction of both approches is fantastic, and it was a privilege and a proud for me...

Introduction to Data Mining
Working with Data Mining
Using Data Mining in Your IT Systems (Part 1)
Using Data Mining in Your IT Systems (Part 2)

After the Rafal webcasts, I dont have nothing more to write about it! But I’m currently doing a work for my master BI degree to predict the stock market behaviours... could be a good way to became rich fast!! I’ll tell about it in a next post...