In this post you can see where visitors of this blog come from and how many they are in the last month. And the main reason for write this blog in English is to describe my master degree experiences and my current job as BI developer (problems and solutions) for the maximum people. (I’m receiving visits from 36 different countries)
I think writing the blog in english could be a better way to achieve one of my life objectives: back to work in England (and this time not for study but for work as BI Analyst/Developer), maybe back to work in Italy or work in Spain (Barcelona).
"Life is too short to spend time in routine tasks!" :-) Made by me!

Obrigado pelo teu reparo de um post do meu blog. Vou colocar tb as referências das minhas pesquisas. Partilho igualmente da tua opinião e continuo a achar que o blog deve ser um espaço de reflexão intrinseca e q deve reflectir o resultado da tua investigação/análise/estudo do(s) conceito(s).
Aproveito desde já para te dizer que tb costumo visitar regularmente o teu blog e só pecas por não colocares mais posts! Contudo, acho q tens infomação valiosíssima e q deves continuar assim!
life is not too short if you live it to it's fullest - made!! :))
maybe we'll meet in the UK as BI analysts,who knows? :P
i subscrive our msc coleague master pedro: your blog is worth a visit!!
keep going!
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