Dell, MaximumASP and the Professional Association for SQL Server (PASS) have partnered together to offer a free SQL Server 2008 account on a securely hosted environment. This offer allows anyone to try SQL Server 2008 today without downloading and installing the software.
Thanks to Ella, I knew this news and immediately made my registration.

This feedback, participantion and the free hosted environment, it'll be important for me because I will focus my BI dissertation using Microsoft tools, mainly SQL 2008.
Thanks to Ella, I knew this news and immediately made my registration.
This feedback, participantion and the free hosted environment, it'll be important for me because I will focus my BI dissertation using Microsoft tools, mainly SQL 2008.
Thank you Pedro for the acknowledgement, it's very kind of you! :)
Ella, when you get some news tell me... I didn't receive the email from Microsoft about this subject!
Thanks to Pedro and Ella.. its very useful information. Nice post
small business hosted server
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