Finally I have some time to describe what I experienced last week during the TechDays Portugal conferences. Today I’m writing my post nrº100 and could not do it better describing this fantastic experience
The facilities
The day before my session I went to see the event facilities and aclimatize myself to the room where I would present my session. There were many people working for this event, and it is important that everyone had the notion that organizing such an event is not easy. It requires lot of human labour and a lot of dedication, mainly from persons like Luis Martins, João Bilhim and Leonor (Microsoft) and several other amazing dedicated persons
The facilities
The day before my session I went to see the event facilities and aclimatize myself to the room where I would present my session. There were many people working for this event, and it is important that everyone had the notion that organizing such an event is not easy. It requires lot of human labour and a lot of dedication, mainly from persons like Luis Martins, João Bilhim and Leonor (Microsoft) and several other amazing dedicated persons

The people
I met many people and also spoke with people who normally only contact via the Web. Is indeed a very interesting event, where people share knowledge and opinions that for sure is more important than if the lunch is good or bad! Jorge Paulino, Ricardo Peres, André Lage, Rodrigo Pinto, MVP guys, Jorge Moura, Nuno Batalha, Tiago Rente, and a lot of enthusiastic professionals

The Session
Most people, certainly should not have a notion that it was my first public session with so many people... and also, that a year ago never came into my head be presenting a session at TechDays. It was a very difficult challenge trying to pass a message on Data Mining for almost 300 people, mainly because the profiles of the audience was very diverse ... feedback received varied between easy and very difficult session contents. Thanks to all the persons that attended to my session. Well… if you're curious take a look into presentation below:
I hope you enjoy it... I can translate to english if needed.
Olá Pedro
Em meu nome e do Sérgio queria agradecer o feedback dados depois do evento.
Primeira vez!?! Não está nada mal. Houve muita preparação pois correu muito bem.
Um abraço.
PS - Não tenho queixas quanto ao almoço ;-)
Ola Gabriel e Sergio,
É por existirem pessoas como vocês que dá vontade de continuar. Todos demonstrassem a vossa energia positiva e seria possivel fazer mais por este país. :-)
Foi um prazer conhecer-vos! Espero que seja o primeiro de muitos eventos para trocarmos opiniões e vocês mesmos apresentarem umas sessões, porque não duvido que devem ter ago interessante para partilhar com a comunidade.
Abraços e obrigado pela visita a este cantinho!
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