Four years blogging! For me it’s simple amazing!
I started this challenge 4 years ago (May 2007) when few people known what a blog is! I always kept in mind that this place is just for write about BI and never to make money with banners with commercial purposes. My goal was always to spread BI world and never disappoint you with other intentions like earning money with this.
Almost 100.000 page views for a blog without adult content or illegal download links, it’s for me absolutely positive. I know that there are several points to review and improve, but it’s all about stop for a while and decide to focus on it.
Naturally without the support of special persons, I couldn’t arrive here. I highlight the following important persons, who directly or indirectly make this blog still alive:
- The ISCTE students from MSIAD and MEI master degrees classes
- The UPT students from post-graduate BI classes (1º and 2º Editions)
- The Ensiguarda students from MBA classes
- My dear teacher Maria José Trigueiros
- All the persons that believed in me and always encouraged me to continue on this challenge
- All blog visitors!!
Some numbers...
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This place will continue to be a meeting point for all those persons that have the same passion as me for Business Intelligence.
I promise you that I’ll never stop
Hi Pedro,
Congratulations for the fourth anniversary of your blogging :)
I wish you the best and success in continuation of this nice job
Thanks a lot Amin!
I see you here since my first post! Thanks for all your support!!
Hi Pedro,
Congratulations for the fourth anniversary and wonderful work.
One more year, and blog will leave the kindergarten (lol).
@Valdemar: You are always present! Thanks for all your direct and indirect support!!
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