Thursday, April 10, 2008

BI Education - ExpertExchange Master Certification

Dear Friends,
After 2 months answering questions in I finally obtained the master certification in SQL Server 2005. This is one of the reasons that I didn’t update the blog so frequently! This is the certification that I won today:

There are 9 different ranks that you could achieve, I’m only in the first rank, but I will try to achieve the higher. Why you don’t join the game? It’s cool, you feel that understand something for some subject and you can help other people. lolol

It’s fantastic receive feedback from the asker as you can see for the image below

I will be waiting for you on ExpertsExchange!


Amin said...

I'm quite happy hearing that you got this certificate.
It is very amazing, and I will join you!


Pedro said...

Hi Friend! Thanks!:-)
So register there today!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Pedro!

Congratulations, definitely a well deserved honor for all your hard work!
I’m hoping to hear soon that you’ll make it to the top advisor on the site :)

Pedro said...

Hi Ella!!
Welcome to my blog! :-)
I hope you enjoy it and share your knowledge with us. Your blog is very interesting with a lot of very good post.
Thanks again!!

Rui Almeida Santos said...

Parabéns Pedro e boa sorte com as novas qualificações.


Pedro said...

Dear Rui,
Thanks for your comment and visit! As I told you before, is a honour see you here!!

Ps: Rui is my master degree collegue! :-)

Henrique Ribeiro said...

Muitos Parabéns Pedro.
És realmente uma pessoa de vitórias e espero que continues com a motivação que transportas e com os objectivos muito bem definidos. Um excelente exemplo para qualquer pessoa.
Abraço grande e fica bem

Pedro said...

Hey Henrique! Thanks for your kindly comments! You are an excellent person and I'm very happy to have you in master degree group!! Cheers!!!

PS: Henrique is another master BI degree colleague!


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