Saturday, May 17, 2008


One year ago, I started blogging… I never thought that this blog could have the success that in my opinion it currently has… I started it before my master BI degree, and in spite that today I have lot of subjects to write, in that time it was only my experience in the my company job and the experience from MSDN Forums that I still usually give and receive feedback about operational problems that we face each day.

Today, I really understand the importance of knowledge and the importance of sharing it. In this blog I always try to describe all my evolution/experiences but also try to create a knowledge network through the Internet… its important not only share our knowledge but also stimulate others to do the same. Nothing is more important that do what we really like to do, and If I’m here blogging is because I love business intelligence, and I feel that blogging we can make some difference!

Thanks to my familly and my fantastic girlfriend that always supported me, for all the visitors and for all the persons that directly or indirectly stimulated and keeping the blog alive:

my master BI teacher Mrs. Maria José Trigueiros for all the amazing messages that she gave to me, and teachers as Mrs. Patricia Narciso, Mr. Rui Gonçalves, Mr. Azevedo Rodrigues for the excellent and very good comunication that they had transmitted.
my master BI colleagues
my friend Subhash Subramanyam from India
my friend Amin Jalali from Iran
my friend Bruno Ferreira from Ireland
my friend Ella Maschiach from Israel
my friends from Caixa Geral de Depósitos (Portugal)
my friends from Microsoft Forums
my friends from ExpertExchange website
and thanks to persons like Jamie Thomson, John Hennesey and Chris Webb that had spent some time to visit me here.

Some numbers from google analytics since september/07:
about 7.500 page views
about 2.500 unique visitors (by IP address)
visitors from 89 different countries (mainly from Portugal, USA, UK, India, Iran, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Israel…(in a next post I will paste here the google analytis reports)

I promise that I’ll try to always improve the quality and diversification of all my posts and in the way they fit in the Business Intelligence concepts.



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