One of the goals that I’ve proposed to achieve this year is almost accomplished! Today I made the Microsoft exam 70-445 (MCTS), and next week I will do the exam 70-446 (MCITP).

The exam 70-445 that I done today includes 3 courses:
Course 2791: Implementing and Maintaining SQL 2005 Analysis Services (3 days)
Course 2792: Implementing and Maintaining SQL 2005 Integration Services (3 days)
Course 2793: Implementing and Maintaining SQL 2005 Reporting Services (3 days)
The following list includes the topic areas covered on this exam. The percentage indicates the portion of the exam that addresses a particular skill.
Managing SSAS (12 percent)
Developing SSAS Solutions by Using BIDS (18 percent)
Implementing data mining by Using BIDs (12 percent)
Managing SSRS (13 percent)Developing Reporting Solutions by Using SSRS (19 percent)
Developing Business Intelligence Solutions by Using SSIS (16 percent)
Administering SSIS Packages (11 percent)
The exam wasn’t easy, and I confess that during the exam I was a little afraid, because the questions were very specific and it required a lot of attention! Happily I passed with 842 (84,2%) (minimum is 700)
I have some experience in these subjects for that reason I only studied with MCTS Training Kit. This kit has a book, several labs and about 200 exams to train.

My exam had 44 questions and I felt that almost questions were focused on Reporting Services and Data Mining. I suggest that you get this training book and go inside into the properties of each module. (SSIS, SSAS, SSRS and Data Mining) And some subjects that you must study hard:
Report Model and Report Builder
Data mining algorithms and parameters
Data Mining lift and profit chart (Check the accuracy of your DM Model)
SSIS Transactions
SSAS Security issues
SSAS Performance (Usage based optimization / design aggregations)
SSAS MOLAP (automatic and schedule), ROLAP and HOLAP
DMX Syntax (for data mining models)
SSRS Subreports
If you follow the training kit and focus on the tips above, and are familiar with Microsoft tools I think is sufficient to pass. But some visitors will ask... why SQL 2005 and not SQL 2008? Because SQL Exams is not available yet, and it’s a way to prepare to SQL 2008 and learn more about Microsoft tools. Following this, I already made my registration for the new exams that will be available this month.
One of the goals that I’ve proposed to achieve this year is almost accomplished! Today I made the Microsoft exam 70-445 (MCTS), and next week I will do the exam 70-446 (MCITP).

The exam 70-445 that I done today includes 3 courses:
Course 2791: Implementing and Maintaining SQL 2005 Analysis Services (3 days)
Course 2792: Implementing and Maintaining SQL 2005 Integration Services (3 days)
Course 2793: Implementing and Maintaining SQL 2005 Reporting Services (3 days)
The following list includes the topic areas covered on this exam. The percentage indicates the portion of the exam that addresses a particular skill.
Managing SSAS (12 percent)
Developing SSAS Solutions by Using BIDS (18 percent)
Implementing data mining by Using BIDs (12 percent)
Managing SSRS (13 percent)Developing Reporting Solutions by Using SSRS (19 percent)
Developing Business Intelligence Solutions by Using SSIS (16 percent)
Administering SSIS Packages (11 percent)
The exam wasn’t easy, and I confess that during the exam I was a little afraid, because the questions were very specific and it required a lot of attention! Happily I passed with 842 (84,2%) (minimum is 700)
I have some experience in these subjects for that reason I only studied with MCTS Training Kit. This kit has a book, several labs and about 200 exams to train.

My exam had 44 questions and I felt that almost questions were focused on Reporting Services and Data Mining. I suggest that you get this training book and go inside into the properties of each module. (SSIS, SSAS, SSRS and Data Mining) And some subjects that you must study hard:
Report Model and Report Builder
Data mining algorithms and parameters
Data Mining lift and profit chart (Check the accuracy of your DM Model)
SSIS Transactions
SSAS Security issues
SSAS Performance (Usage based optimization / design aggregations)
SSAS MOLAP (automatic and schedule), ROLAP and HOLAP
DMX Syntax (for data mining models)
SSRS Subreports
If you follow the training kit and focus on the tips above, and are familiar with Microsoft tools I think is sufficient to pass. But some visitors will ask... why SQL 2005 and not SQL 2008? Because SQL Exams is not available yet, and it’s a way to prepare to SQL 2008 and learn more about Microsoft tools. Following this, I already made my registration for the new exams that will be available this month.
(If you register now, you will have 40% discount in the exam price)

Register for the "First to Know" Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008 Exam Offer
Be Among the First to Certify
Register for the "First to Know" Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008 Exam Offer
Be Among the First to Certify
Hi Pedro,
I think getting this certificate is the goal of every one who has studied BI,
HI Amin!
How are you?
When you take the exam? I can send you my training kit book + questions to study, and I'm sure you pass!! Do you want to try?
Dear Pedro,
I'm fine, thanks.
It's really kind of you to let me use your resources. I am going to apply for a master degree for next year in Europe, so if I accepted, We can meet each other next year ;)
I could not spend a lot of time for studying this year, but I would be grateful to borrow your book next year.
Thank you
I am writing next week my 70-445 exam. Hope i will pass it. From BasketCase.
Congratulations Pedro!
445 is the tough one, the next exam (446) is easier and I'm sure you can pass it easily!
HI Iman,
Thanks a lot for your visit!! I hope I pass the exam... I will also try to pass the new SQL 2008 exam... do you'll try?
Hy Anonymous,
Good luck for your exam. Give feedback.
What wonderful news, congratulations! I'm very excited for you, it's very impressive :) I'm sure you'll pass the next exam without a sweat…
Enjoy yourself at SQL Bits this Saturday,
Yes, I took the beta exams for SQL BI 2008. You can see my comments about them on my blog.
Hi Pedro, it's Marius. Please feel free to visit my blog on Hope you'll enjoy your stay. My e-mail address is
Hi Marius, I'm still in London... I'will fly to portugal tomorrow morning at 7am!
Thanks for your visit! I will check your blog!!
Share with us you experience in MSFT exams certification!
Hi Ella... Today the conference was fantastic... yesterday as a little poor, but today was fantastic... I was with some friends that share the same opinion. Right now, because I only have the flight tomorrow morning and this place is too quite and nothing to do, I'm writing some words about the event and selecting the best photos!!
Hi Pedro, my new blog address is I like your blogsite. Is it possible for you to explain to me where i can find the study material for the Business Intelligence exams 70-445 and 70-446 which i will only do in 2 months time?? I will really appreciate it. Please e-mail as well. Thanks. My e-mail is
Hi Pedro,
As I told you in the e-mails we exchanged, you wil have no difficulty passing the 70-446 exam...
Good luck!!
António Lopes
I have the toolkit... is about 30mb... how can I send it to you?! If you try eMule.. you can get it that!...
Thanks for your post! :-) I will take the 446 very soon... and the new SQL2008 exams also...
Cheers guys!
Hi Pedro,
Can you send me your training kit book + questions to study? I would like to pass MSBI exam. Can you help me?
Send me an email to share some tips with you for the exam!
Hi Padro,
I m looking for tranining kit and Resources.
Waiting for your reply.
I have the toolkit... is about 30mb... how can I send it to you?! If you try eMule.. you can get it that!...
Hi Pedro,
Congratulations on passing this test.
I am planning to take this exam in the next couple of months or so.
Could you please let me know what the training kit you mentioned in your post comprised of? Is it just the book?
Thanks much in advance.
Hellooo Pedro
Congratulations :D and good luck for the next exams :),
I want to ask u ,, i m studying the same book u studied and i spend until now one month , but i feel that i didnt understand 70% of the material :S,, i feel that i am lost between the articles ,so Is one month enough to understand and cover the 70-445 exam ? or it takes more duration? thnx alot :)
hi Pedro
Heartiest Congratulations for clearing this certification. I am also planning to go for the exam next month. I want some details and help from you. I am an Indian and working in mauritius. Tell me how to prepare for the exam and if possible then send me the questions.
Hoping for a positive reply
Rehards and Good Luck
Kamal Kumar Sharma
Hi abdo!
Tell me your doubts and I help you! :-)
Hi kamal,
The questions I refer is inside the Training book... It's about 30Mg... How can I send it to you!?
Hi Pedro,
Currently I am working on SQL server Analysis and reporting tool but donot have any idae about integration. I have just started learning Datamining throught internet but does not find it useful.
Is there any exam on Analysis nd reporting only.
Waiting for ur reply.
You dont find Data Mining usefull or the data mining book you read?
data mining is the really intelligence of a BI project.
Do you want to do the exam?
Do you need some help?
Hello Pedro,,How are u,,it me Abdo Again,,
I want to ask you if the exam is oppen Notes(or book) ? i mean , could i bring a review sheet?, btw, i might go to do the exam on 26th of April,,wish me LUCK ,,Thnx again
Hi abdo!
You cannot have any object with you during the exam... only a encil and a place to write some notes temporary...
I hope you pass the exam! :-)
Give feedback!
hello pedro,
i have a question ,i have a good feedback about BI because i used COGNOS and OBIEE ,i have started studying the exam for the last two weeks ,my exam is on next week only 9 days left ,my question is : is that enough to stick with the book? or should i try practice exams? and from where can i get such practice exam?
I suggest you the training kit. It has a lot of questions with answers explained!!
Hi Pedro,
Hey I Just wanted to know if the training kit is enough ? I have basic knowledge of SSIS, SSAS and SSRS. I don't have any real time experience, will I be able to clear the exam ?
How many days will it take to study the training kit ?
Do I need to have real time experience first n then write the exam .
Hi annes,
Of course real world experience it's a big advantage in this exam, but in fact, if you follow all the training kit you can do that!
The training kit is very good, bacause while you answer to each question, the training kit forward you to the part of the book you should read and understand to correctly answer to each.
Do you have the training kit?
The MS Press TK is not sufficient to pass the exam. Other materials would be required, in my judgement, that is if you are learning the material without work experience.
I scored 1000 on this exam and used other materials and practice tests.
I understand your opinion... and for taking 1000 on the exam we need more than the Training Kit... But if we use correctly the training kit and read it all, it's for sure that you have more than 700 in the exam... but is my opinion! and annes already has some knowledge with this tools...
Thanks a lot for your visit to this blog!!
You are always welcome!
Hi Pedro,
Yes I have the training kit with me.
I have around max 1 month for studies. Once I start reading I will come to know about the syllabus.
If I come across any doubts I will post a comment.
Please email me some important tips about the exam questions.
Thanks & Regards
It's enough for the exam... let me know if you need some help...
You can find me always here in the blog or in or in
See you around my friend!
Hello Pedro.
Wish you great results on 446 exam.
I have got CHM file of the book, but do not have those “Practice tests” and “Labs” which exist on CD.
Do you have them?
If so, can you send me ( them Zipped if they are not too big?
Or just "Practice tests" as I can handle "Labs" myself :)
Thanks in advance!
Hi Volk,
Thanks for your visit to my blog!
I sent you an email!
Hi Pedro,
Thank you very much for ur help!!!
Hey Pedro,
I am taking my MCTS I 70-448 exam by end of july and i have the training kit too. But i still need to know the views from people who have taken this exam already. But after searching soo much on internet i couldn't find anyone. I guess u were planing to take this exam.please share your exp and any resources u have. My email ID is
Lets start together to the exam?!
Lets go!
hI pedro ,
I have experience in SQL Server 2005 . I want to complete the BI Developer exam .Need your tips also suggest is it advicable to take up 2008 or to complete 2005 and take upgrade exam for 2008.
My mailid is
Welcome to the blog!
From SQL 2005 to 2008 there are several improvements and I imagine that exams are focus in these new funtionalities. I'll do the exams in august and I'll add a post related... but I suggest you to start from 70-445 and 70-446!
Hi Pedro,
Thanks a lot for sharing your experiences. I am planning to take 70-445 in oct in miami. Can you send any relevant info & questions to this email id, when you have a chance. Thanks in advaance.
Cash Hatti
Hi Pedro,
I find your blog so interesting. I am planning to take the certification 2nd week of September. Hope u can give some tips about the 70-445. This is my email address:
How long u will wait until you will know what you got? Is it immediately after taking? By the way I subscribe to ur blogs. So informative.
I will highly appreciate it.
Thanks for your comments!
I hope you nejoy this blog for long!
I'm thinking to organize some remote training/discussion with some visitors of my blog that come from different world locations... It'll be a free training/discussion/meeting, via netmeeting or other... I need to think for a while. But right now I need to finish my master degree report until the final of september...
Relating to Microsoft certification, the training kit is very, very good! You need to check it!
If I can help you better just let me know!
Hi Pedro,
I am planning to take exam 70-445 in November 2009. I am new to BI but I am reading books before I take the exam. Can you please send me some tips to my email
Thanks for the visit to the blog!
As I told before, the best way to take the exam is with the training kit. It's very good, because has about 100 hundred questions with the answers linked to the book.
I hope to see you again!
Hi Pedro,
Thanks for your reply.
I am reading the books I have at my disposal. But I have a problem of downloading the analysis and integration services of the SQL server 2005 to practice the "learn as you do" sections of the books I am reading. I havealready downloaded the SSMS and the SSRS.
Is there a way to download the the SSAS and SSIS?
(I am new to SQL server)..
SSIS and SSAS come with SQL Server...
Do you have the training kit?
Hi friends... take a look to my last post about MSFT certifications... it's show time and disocunts for all in exams...
hI, Pedro its great that u could clear 70-445, i have tried the kit but couldnt clear it, i would like to ask you if there is any specific book for dataminin or any good provider of practice questions, savior faire managed to get 1000?
Hi All,
I a master's student pursuing my master's in MIS with a specialization in BI. I am preparing for the MCTS 70-488 certi and hoping that having a tool specific certi would help me enter the BI job market. But its kind of frustrating as we need to prepare for almost everything ie SSIS,SSAS,SSRS, datamining. If i am aiming for a ETL developer position , y would i need to get certified for SSAS and SSRS. I would really appreciate if Microsoft break the current certi into individual certifications for SSIS,SSAS,SSRS and data mining. I am in the 3 rd month of preparing for this certi and i am at the height of my frustration.
Anuj and Vishal,
Thanks a lot for your visit to this blog! My blog is your blog!
The free training webminar that I'll organize throught this blog maybe should be better to concentrate or be aligned with Microsoft certifications... I'll take care on it.. There are lots of people looking for some support in exams prepartion that should be interesting following the same structure... I'll think!!!
I understand your issues and I'm with you! :-)
I hope to see you more often!
Hey Pedro,
Got my MCTS 70-448 certi done today. Scored 785 :)
Thanks for all the help!
Hi Pedro,
This is swathi from hyderabad. I am very much interested to be MCTS certified. I am planning to do this from past five months but could not understand how to proceed. Can you please guide me on this.
Congratulations!!!! Very good!
For this exam I recomend you the training kit... if you are failing too mutch answers in the example question, maybe you can read a book that I could you suggest after that!
best regards,
I have been working with mssql databases and tools for the last 5 years and now I became interested in the Microsoft BI certification program.
My Question to you , is how long does it take to get prepared for the exams ? Based on your experience, are the chapters' duration stated in the training kit real realistic or optimistic ?
Hi George,
Thanks for your visit to the blog!
I'm really suggest the training kit because it's very intuitive, realistic and include almost you need for the exam.
Based on your experience I suggest about 5 days with 4 hours per days... answering the questions to the training kit and going to the book to check the mistake answers!
I hope this helps you!
Hi Pedro,
This site is really helpful. I am planning to take 70-448. Did you already take it?
I have the training book for 70-448 but I don't have the companion CD the one with the Practice Test.
Anyone had a copy of it?
I would appreciate if someone can send me a copy in this email add:
Hi rexie,
Welcome to the blog!
Unfortunately I dont have the CD... and if you have just share with me! :-)
I'll try to do the exam until the end of the year!
hello pedro,
this is srikanth , i want do bi course ,how do i start this , one more thing this microsoft bi is helpful in dyamics erp ?
Hi srikanth vuthu,
I'm planniong to start the remote sessions soon... The problem is being the time... but when I start I'll never stop! :-)
Microsoft Dynamics it's another product and I never used...
Hi Pedro,
This is Satish.I passed70-445 with 88%.I would like to take 70-446 can you please send me tha micro soft self placed training kit to my my email:
Welcome to this blog and congratulations for the result in the exam.
Estou a preparar-me para realizar o exame 70-445. Estou a ler o training kit mas não tenho o CD com as perguntas.
Seria possivel enviares-me as perguntas (e mais alguma coisa que aches interessante)para
Hi Liliana,
Welcome to the blog!
I sent you an email!
Hi Pedro,
I am working on SSIS and SSAS from past 6 months would like to take 70-445 exam. Could you please suggest the learning method to follow, also if possible pls share the training kit, book required to clear the exam.
Hi Bharat,
thanks for your visit!
I hope you pass in the exam.
I sent you an email!
Hi Pedro,
I will highly appreciate if you could share mcts training kit with me,also if you could tell the important points to focus on to crack the exam.
my messenger id :
Hi Pedro,
I am working to get this certification as well (my first one) and I would like to know if you could share this valuable training kit with me (
Thank you very much in advance!
Hi Pedro,
This is Sudha here . I am a graduate of B.Tech IT(2009 batch). I would like to BI certification. could you please help me. waiting for your reply, Email to in advance
HI Sudha,
Thanks for you visit!
Just let me know where I can help you!
I'll try help you for sure!
Hi Pedro,
I'm almost one year into my professional life and am planning to take the exam (my first one). I'm not sure how to get hold of the kit and was wondering if you could share it with me. It would be a great help. My mail id is "".
I've been working on SQL '05 for past few months. How long a time would you suggest as apt learning period?
Thanks in advance,
Hi Manu,
I sent you an email!
I suggest you to do the SQL 2008 version in spite of SQL 2005!
regards and tahnks for you visit!
Hi Pedro,
I appreciate your response, but I'm afraid I did not receive your mail yet. Would you please resend it?
I am working on '05, hence the decision to pursue it first. Though I would indeed be upgrading soon.
Hi Pedro,
This is Shirish here from India. Congratulations for get certified. Can you guide in taking up the test and also send across some reference material in order to clear the exam. My mail id is
Thanks in advance.
Hi Pedro, I pretend to take 70-488 exam in 2 months... by any chance do you have some information/material about this exam? and ... can you send me material about the 70-445 I think it could be helpful... thank you in advance...
my email
Hi Pedro,
I am working on SSIS and SSRS from past 1 year would like to take 70-445 exam. Could you please suggest the learning method to follow, also if possible pls share the training kit, book required to clear the exam.How much time is required for exam preparation?
Thanks Adriana and Vaibhav for your visit! I sent you an e-mail!
Hi Pedro,
I have 3 yrs of experience in .NET and SQL 2005 Development. I would like to do the MS BI certification. Apart from the MS Press book, which book is good for getting more knowledge and score. I hope you will send me the details to my mail Id:
Hi ,
This is Veeren can you please share your MSBI trainingkit+Material which will help me to get the certification.
Raja and Veeren,
Thanks for your visit!
I sent you a response by e-mail!
Good look for your certifications.
let me know if i can help you better!
Hello Pedro
As a newbie in BI. Do you advise taking the MCTS 70 - 445 and 70-446 or 70-448 and 70-452. Also, what are the prerequisite for the exams. What can you say concerning 70-431 and 70-433 and which of these should I take first. Presently, I am doing a general study of datawarehousing and business intelligence and seems to have prefered microsoft BI.
Hello Pedro,
Should I go for exam 70-431, 70-445 and 70- 446 or exam 70-432, 70-448 and 70-452 or do I need all? I am new in BI and Datawarehousing but have understood the concepts and have decided to go for microsoft BI certifications.
Hi Emmanuel,
Thanks for your visit!
I suggest you the exams of the new SQL 2008 version. Try the exams 70-448 and 70-452.
Hi pedro,
Thanks for your response. I am currently training for the exam 70-448. However I have downloaded SQL server 2008 that came with 70-448 training kit but later realised that I would have downloaded the R2. Do you think I might be missing something for not downloading the SQL Servcer 2008 R2.
Thank you.
Hi pedro, what is the eligibity criteria for taking the exam? planning to do 70-448. need your help.
Thanks for your visit!
Do you have experience with Microsoft BI tools like SSIS, SSRS, SSAS?
The training kit it's a very very good way to prepare for the exam.
Hi Pedro,
I am a novice in BI technology, but have been working in IT for some years now and i want to undergo certification in BI, do you think i should take SQL Server 2008 or 2005? which books to follow or any training kit? Please advise.
Hi Siri,
Thanks for your visit!
I trully suggest you the training kit!! It's very intuitive!!
I want to take
70-452 again!!!... is difficult for me because of the Data Mining stuff... does anyone have a training kit for this exam? or good stuff about data mining? I will appreciate
thank you ;)
Siri, btw... I recomend taking 2008... there are some new features in Analysis Services (configuring attribute relationships...) and Reporting Services...
Hi Adriana,
Thanks for yoru visit... Data Mining it's not soo complitated that it seems at the begining! :-)
Take a look at this link:
If you have some doubts, just let me know!
Yes... if anyone here wants to take the certification, dont forget to do the new versions on SQL 2008 in spite of 2005!
Hi Pedro,
I am looking for Microsoft BI Certification in SSRS,SSIS & SSAS. Is there one exam for all components (SSRS,SSIS & SSAS).
Can u share any material on this so that i can start reading and appear for exam because i want to part of this BI group.
Hi Pedro,
The link given for data miniing is very useful. Thanks you very much for that. Is there any class room training available for data minining? I would also like to take the 70-452 exam.
Hi Annup,
Send me your email and I can search for something to send to you.
The training kit could be a interesting start for you look at Data Mining... there isn't lot of improvements between 2005 and 2008 data mining field.
Regards and you're always welcome!
Hi Pedro,
This is Sailesh
I am taking my MCTS Exam 70-448 next month. Can I get some help from you regarding preparation for my exam.
Hi Rao,
Thanks for your visit!
Do you already have the training kit?
Hi Pedro,
I do have the training kit but is that book enough to get through the exam? Are there any materials available online for practice.
Could you give me your email?
Hi Pedro,
Can you share material for 70-445 certification
Hi Pedro,
Can you help me by sending study material for MCTS 70-445 exam.
HI Nancy,
Thanks for your visit!
Send me an email and I'll try to help you better!
Hi Pedro,
I am looking for Microsoft BI Certification in SSRS,SSIS & SSAS.
Can u share any material on this so that i can start reading and appear for exam because .
Hi Pedro,
I am looking for Microsoft BI Certification in SSRS,SSIS & SSAS.
Can u share any material on this so that i can start reading and appear for exam .
Hi pedr
im vahid from tehran , iran and added you in linkedin account since i read some article and Questions there about BSC and EPM tools , i currently work as a Technical strategic facilitator based on Business administration degree BA in the Leading pharmaceutical company in tehran
i recently Decide to Study SQL Server 2008 BI To Complete My Expertise and ETL design , I found you Expert in this field and need your Advise
Vahid Farzad
Dear Friends,
Take a look at my latest post about the exam I made for the SQL 2008 version. The exam 70-445 is for SQL 2005, but 70-448 is for SQL 2008.
hai pedro...I am also planning to go for the exam next month. I want some details and help from you. I am an Indian and working in mauritius. Tell me how to prepare for the exam and if possible then send me the questions.
Hoping for a positive reply
hai pedro...I am also planning to go for the exam next month. I want some details and help from you. I am an Indian and my education is masters of computer applications. Tell me how to prepare for the exam and if possible then send me the questions.
Hoping for a positive reply
Thanks for your visit!! The training kit it's the best suggestion I can give you to get this certification!
hi Pedro,
i'am very much to learn MSBI, i need to ur best suggestion how to learn and what the components are needed to learch,
And plese send any ref. books to my,
Please help me
Thanks in advance :)
Hi Pedro,
congrats for your achivement till date. it really need dedication and persiverance. I work as MSBI developer and looking for certification in BI kindly suggest me the way and send me any helping material for exam on my mail id
Thanks and Regards
Hi Pedro,
I like to get the MSBI certification. How can I improve my skill to get the Certification. Can you send me your Training Kit to my mail id
Hi Pedro,
I am working on MSBI from last 4 years, did lot of work in MSBI worked for banks ,Insurance,audits companies. Few months back I thought certification is not much needed but now I think I should do the certifiction. thanks for your motivation. I request you to please mail me the study Materials.
My email id is:
Thanks for you help.
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